““It is harder to be simple than it is to be complex.””
Large areas and forms
As I’ve worked on the mural, I keep in mind that I am building atmosphere and a sense of expansive space.
I’ve also kept in mind is that it will be seen from a distance, therefore experienced in a different way than a painting would. It’s necessary to keep areas of simplicity, not getting too caught up in details. The overall impact is important. I’ve broken the design down into large areas where things are alternately ‘busy’ and simple, so that the eye can travel through the composition comfortably.
“Every shape pays a compliment to other shapes, an organization of great units.”
Reading and rereading Henri's advice about shapes and forms has been really helpful. He talks about the “dignity of each mass in relation with others.”
“Every shape pays a compliment to the other shapes, an organization of great units.”
Areas of activity
““Putting form against form, color against color, line against line, movement against movement, texture against texture and showing their interaction, showing through them the force which binds them, is the way of good painting and drawing.””